Whistleblowing Channel
MSF Norway is committed to the highest levels of openness, integrity, and accountability. An important aspect of accountability and transparency is a provision of a mechanism to enable staff, and other members of the organisation, to voice concerns in a responsible and effective manner.
An individual who discovers information that they believe shows serious malpractice or wrongdoing within the organisation, must be able to disclose such information internally without fear of reprisal, and there should be arrangements in place to enable this to be done independently of line management.
What is whistleblowing?
Whistleblowing means speaking up about unacceptable conditions within MSF Norway.
”Unacceptable conditions” are conditions in breach of Norwegian law, written ethical guidelines (i.e. Behavioural Commitments), or ethical standards/norms with widespread endorsement in the community. Examples of unacceptable conditions include, but is not limited to:
- Danger of life and health
- Corruption or other financial crimes
- Abuse of power
- Discrimination
- Racism
- Harassment/bullying
- Sexual abuse and exploitation
- Breach of data protection
- Danger to climate or environment
Please see full whistleblowing policy for definitions.
When to report?
If you believe that you have information on, or have become a victim of, unacceptable conditions within MSF Norway, you have a duty to report this in line with this Policy. Reports should be made in good faith, and malicious or deliberately untrue reports should not be made.
Who can report?
All employees including employees hired from manpower agencies, volunteer workers and interns. The policy also applies to staff who are hosted by MSF Norway when the issue is related to MSF Norway. Individuals or groups working with MSF Norway may also raise concerns.
How to report?
- Through this Internal Digital Whistleblowing Channel. Note that the receiver of the report is the MSF Norway Safety Representative.
- To Medvind Personal if you would like to report to MSF Norway though an external consultant. E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: 99 51 96 86.
Please make sure you include the following information when you report:
- Your name and contact details (unless you would like to report anonymously)
- The date of your notification
- Specifically, what you want to whistleblow about (describe the actual circumstances and why you believe the conditions are violation of applicable law, regulation or MSF Norway’s policy)
- Any applicable time and place
- Information about any other persons who may have seen the incident or have relevant information
- Also remember to state if the report may be related to earlier or current incidents/circumstances
Whistleblowing is safe
Any form of retaliation from the employer against individuals who report unacceptable conditions in line with this Policy is against the law.
It is our promise to you that you can trust that any reporting made by you is welcomed and will be taken utmost seriously and that we will not take any actions against the whistleblower.
Consideration to the person(s) subject to whistleblowing
The individual(s) whom the report is concerned, has a right to be heard and to provide their inputs on the alleged unacceptable conditions before MSF Norway concludes on the matter (right to contradiction). This does not imply that the individual(s) whom the report is concerned has a right to know the identity of the whistleblower.
Such person(s) are entitled to bring own representative at their own choice (staff representative or legal counsel) as necessary.
All processing and storing of personal data will be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Personal Data Act.
We will keep your personal information confidential and only share it with those who need to know to carry out the relevant investigations and appropriate measures.