Benchmark – Remuneration Analyst
In order to act as a social and responsible employer, Leger Uten Grenser needs to get market insight where we work through the Benchmarker’s local market and salary study.
About the job:
As a benchmarker, you are sent to perform a market and salary study in order to obtain better insight of the market practice.
As a Remuneration Analyst, you are required to conduct a salary study and market analysis in order to obtain better insight into common market practices in MSF mission countries. The analyst will conduct the salary study in the requested location(s) of a defined reference market by contacting various actors from the NGO, private and public sector. The survey is a thorough analysis of the markets trends and practices on all elements concerning the employer-employee contractual relationship, and requires detailed consideration of these. Undertaking such an analysis requires understanding of the local labour law, of practices which are considered common law, and of the political and cultural variables that may affect the labour market. A salary benchmark is a managing tool and process that seeks to evaluate MSF’s salary practice and additional benefits in a defined reference market, at a given moment in time.
Examples of responsibilities for a Benchmark – Remunaration Analyst
- Present the process of the salary study to all coordination teams, ensuring confidentiality and impartiality
- Identify and select relevant functions to be compared in the survey with support from the Field HR and Benchmark Coordination Teams
- Identify and select comparator organizations in each benchmarking location with the support from the Field and Benchmark Coordination Teams
- Write and deliver invitations and introductions to, and explanations of the study
- Present case for participation to organisations, enterprises, public sector institutions
- Organise and schedule interviews
- Regular updates to the stakeholders
Analysis and Reporting
- Collect primary data on compensation and benefits from comparators according to MSF methodology
- Ensure methodological integrity in sample size and data completeness
- Input quantitative and qualitative data both appropriately and consistently into a database
- Conduct interviews and research on cost of living and Living Wage indicators
- Conduct in-depth research of the local labour market and legal context to obtain secondary data
- Analyze collected primary and secondary data with the support of the line manager
- Use available tools to write a final internal report for MSF before departure from the field
- Write a comprehensive public version of the final report for external use amongst comparators
Remuneration Analysts are responsible for representing MSF to external organisations and businesses, acting in accordance with MSF principles and behavioural commitments. Trainings on benchmarking working procedures and tools are provided before departure.
- Knowledge/experience in HR remuneration schemes (salaries and benefits)
- Good analytical skills, at ease with figures and economic data
- Project management skills
- Fluency in English, both oral and written
- Proficiency in MS Excel and Word
- Time management and results orientation, ensuring delivery of all expected outcomes
- Persistence and problem solving
- Excellent communication and diplomatic skills
- Flexibility and adaptability
- Willingness to travel
- Ability to work efficiently and independently, under pressure and in an unstable context
Basic criteria for all potential field workers regardless of profile:
- Understanding Doctors Without Borders basic principles
- Knowledge about MSF work and the humanitarian sector in general
- Minimum two years of professional experience after completing education
- Experience in mentoring, training and leading others
- Ability to work in a multicultural and multidisciplinary team
- Ability to organize, prioritize and take initiative
- Willingness to take personal risk by working in potentially unstable environments
- International travel experience and / or work experience from resource-poor countries
- Ability to cope with stress
- The period available for assignments must be flexible
- Persons with medical background must have valid authorization (not necessarily Norwegian)
- Clean criminal record
Desirable qualifications
- French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Russian oral language skills can be a very strong advantage (minimum B2 level)
- Interest and vivid curiosity in researching HR and labour market contexts
- Interest and/or experience in international humanitarian issues, international relations
- Previous field experience in a similar role with a non-government organisation
Length of assignment
Project-based contract – 8 to 12 weeks availability required.
We offer and cover:
- Salary from NOK 19 768 per month + per diem in the field (varies from project to project)
- Increase in salary after 12 months in the field, and then periodically in a way that reflects professional competence, previous experience and increasing level of responsibility.
- Reimbursement of necessary vaccinations
- Required visas and work permits
- Accommodation during the field assignment
- Round-trip transport
- Medical insurance, disability insurance and life insurance
- Psychological follow-up after assignment
Interested as working as a Remuneration Analyst in the field? Read more at https://benchmarking.msf.org/ or apply now!